Month: September 2019

Building Blocks Training October 17, 2019

What You Do & Why It Matters:
How to Tell a Compelling Story
in Three Minutes or Less
October 17, 2019
9 a.m. – Noon

Visit the OneSource Center Training page for more information!


BoardSource SmartBrief Highlights OneSource Center CEO Article on Collaboration

BoardSource, a nationally recognized leader in nonprofit board leadership, featured the Cincinnati Business Courier “My View” article by OneSource Center CEO Christie Brown in its September 6 SmartBrief Sector Analysis and Impact section.

September 2019 Newsletter

Business Courier features OneSource CEO’s “My View” article

Christie Brown, OneSource Center CEO was recently featured through the Cincinnati Business Courier’s Digital Issue with a “My View” on nonprofit collaboration titled, “Nonprofits Grow Stronger Together.” Brown said, “Each person in our community has a voice. My challenge to you is to use yours – whether it is in a nonprofit boardroom, as a donor, volunteer, corporate leader or other community member – and encourage more collaboration with measurable impact.” Subscribers to the Cincinnati Business Courier can see the article through Facebook and LinkedIn.

October Grant Deadlines

Butler Foundation Grant The Butler Foundation was established in 1979 to help low-income and disadvantaged people in Northern Kentucky. Deadline October 1.

PNC Charitable Trust application $50 million in grants issued annually to recipients in the fields of health, social services, education, the environment, religion, the Arts and welfare of animals. Deadline October 1.

Impact 100 Grant info sessions Impact 100’s funding cycle runs from fall of the current year to fall of the following year. The organization wants to understand the needs of nonprofits in the Tri-State through the application. Grants are in the area of culture, environment, family, health and wellness and education. Applicant workshops are on October 3, 8 and 29.