Professional Development and Training

OneSource Center offers a variety of training and leadership development opportunities. Our programs are designed to help promote excellence in nonprofit organizations through capacity-building workshops, three levels of leadership development training, and custom training programs. Staff development is an important element in helping a nonprofit fulfill its mission by making each team member more efficient and effective. OneSource Center’s seminars are a great way to learn the specialized skills every nonprofit needs.

Our CALENDAR provides links to a wide array of training opportunities offered by OneSource Center and our collaborating partners.

 Professional Development Workshop Schedule


Social Media Success on a Shoestring Budget
Date: Thursday, Februrary 20  from 9am to 10am EST; Online via Zoom
Description: As a nonprofit leader, you’ve likely asked yourself these questions: How important is social media? Is it worth my time? What do I get by being on social media? What channels should we be on? I don’t have time to manage any of this, how can I get it done quickly and efficiently?
In this practical workshop, we’ll answer these questions and show you how to effectively plan and manage your social media presence on a limited budget with limited resources.

Presenter: Mollie Newman, founder of New Cause Marketing and a member of The Marketing Pack, brings with her 17 years of experience in marketing, social media, public relations and television with much of her career focused on nonprofit agency work.

Price: Free with Registration. For full session description and presenter bio, click the registration button. 




OneSource is pleased to co-sponsor the following Grant Professional Association
Funder’s Panel
Date: Wednesday, February 19 from 9:00 – 10:30am EST; In person
Location:Banquet Room in LaunchED on the main floor of the Cincinnati Public Schools Board of Education building
Description: Join us for Grant Professionals Association (GPA) chapter’s in-person February funder’s panel.  Discussion will include grant opportunities and how to best position your organization for a successful grant proposal and mutually beneficial funding relationship. Note that non-members can attend this meeting as well!

February’s panel includes:

  • Ignite Philanthropy – Jamie Markle, Vice President of Philanthropic Services
  • ArtsWave – Ray Gargano, Vice President Community Investments
  • United Way– Amy Weber, Chief Impact Officer

Price: $15.00 (Free for GPA members) 


OneSource Center is pleased to offer the following program in partnership with Pro Bono Partnership of Ohio
ProBono Partnership of Ohio Quarterly Employment Webinar Series
Session 1: Employment Policies 101: A Nonprofit’s Guide to the Essentials
Date: Wednesday, February 26 from 1:00 – 2:00pm; online
Description: Join us to hear from the experts at Thompson Hine on important issues faced by nonprofit employers. Each 1-hour session gives an overview of the latest legal developments, practical solutions, and a chance for you to ask your questions live.

Is your nonprofit’s employee handbook outdated? Are you unsure of whether your nonprofit even needs one? Have you wondered which policies are absolutely critical and which are optional? For answers to these questions, legal updates, and best practices, join us for this webinar. 
Price: $10.00 (or $35 for all four sessions. Scholarships are available upon request).
Click here for more information and to register. Please register in advance to receive the webinar viewing link. Registration closes on Tuesday, February 25. The webinar link will be emailed to registrants the day prior to the webinar. 



Volunteer Management 
Date: Thursday, March 21 from 9:00am; In-person 
Location: Greater Cincinnati Foundation, 720 E. Pete Rose Way Suite 120, Cincinnati, OH 45202
Description: Join us to hear from the experts at Thompson Hine on important issues faced by nonprofit employers. Each 1-hour session gives an overview of the latest legal developments, practical solutions, and a chance for you to ask your questions live. Registration closes on Tuesday, November 19. The webinar link will be emailed to registrants the day prior to the webinar. 

Price: $25.00 OneSource members ($35 for nonmembers)


OneSource Center is pleased to offer the following program in partnership with Pro Bono Partnership of Ohio
ProBono Partnership of Ohio Quarterly Employment Webinar Series, Topics TBD
Session 2: Wed. May 21 | 1:00 – 2:00 p.m.
Session 3: Wed. August 20 | 1:00 – 2:00 p.m
Session 4:Wed. November 19 | 1:00 – 2:00 p.m.

Description: Join us to hear from the experts at Thompson Hine on important issues faced by nonprofit employers. Each 1-hour session gives an overview of the latest legal developments, practical solutions, and a chance for you to ask your questions live. 
Price: $10.00 (or $35 for all four sessions. Scholarships are available upon request).


Also note: Premium members have access to thousands of  Coursera on-line courses. Fill out the request form if you would like licenses for you or your agency staff. 


We are grateful to the sponsor of our training programs:


Leadership Development Training Program

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 Custom Training

OneSource Center Training-Interviewing Workshop

We can provide training sessions to your agency either as pre-developed components or customized for your specific agency. Contact us for more details.