More information. (Click on your state for funding details.)
Bright futures begin in the classroom by creating a learning environment that is equal and inclusive for all students through grants focused on:
- Energy and engineering education for K-12 students and teachers, with preference given to programs serving under-represented, low-income or diverse audiences, including people of color, women and minorities and out-of-school time programs
Deadline for these trusts that are managedthrough PNC: The Josephine Schell Russell Charitable Trust, Helen CoardCharitable Trust, Robert H. Reakirt Foundation, John Schroth Family CharitableTrust and the Jack J. Smith Trust.
Event Registration Information
Myths and Realities of Bequest Fundraising
Estate gifts in the form of wills, trusts, and beneficiary designations (loosely referred to as “bequests”) are the foundation of post-death charitable gifts. Bequests form 70% to 80% of all realized deferred gifts. The bequest is ubiquitous no matter the size of the charity, the charitable sector, or the sophistication of the planned giving program.
Despite their centrality to the fundraising effort at most charities, bequests are mostly a mystery for many organizations. Charities struggle to project the size of their bequest pipeline and when these gifts will be realized. Most bequests simply appear after the donor’s demise. The charity had no idea they were coming. In this webinar, we will debunk myths that have developed around bequest gifts. We will also explore some important truths about attracting more bequests. Armed with a deeper understanding of the bequest donor, what motivates them, and how to raise more bequest gifts, you will be in a better position to attract more of them for your organization.
Presenter: Jeff Lydenberg, Vice President, Consulting, PG Calc
Girl Scouts of Western Ohio
4930 Cornell Road
Cincinnati, OH 45242
Hosted by PBPO – Details and Register
Would you benefit from guidance on hiring or firing an employee?
Should you conduct background checks on staff or volunteers?
Would you like to discuss how you conduct employee performance reviews?
PBPO has partnered with Frost Brown Todd to address PBPO clients’ employment questions that can generally be handled in 30 minutes or less. PBPO clients will have the opportunity to speak directly with an employment attorney. Calls will be scheduled in advance, and space is limited to 4 calls per session.
#HR #Human Resources
More information and link to submit proposal
Greater Cincinnati Foundation (GCF) is pleased to announce the next round of Boots on the Ground Fund grants in its continued efforts to strengthen the capacity of small, community-based organizations driving change in our city. Through a partnership with the City of Cincinnati and generous support from other funders, more than $750,000 will be made available for grants, up to $25,000. Proposals will be considered for small, grassroots organizations with operating budgets of less than $1 million, that demonstrate the involvement of community members in their decision-making and give voices to those directly impacted by issues.
Funding Focus The Boots on the Ground Fund seeks to provide support to organizations that have demonstrated experience and aim to address:
• Homelessness Prevention and Access to Affordable Housing
• Access to Affordable, Healthy Foods – Reduction of Food Deserts
• Access to Healthcare and Public Health
• Workforce Development
• Youth Development
• Youth Gun Violence Reduction and Prevention
• Mental and Behavioral Health, including Substance Use Services
Grant administered by GCF
LOI deadlines: Nov. 15, Feb. 15, June 15
The Foundation’s prime interest is the health, education, cultural experiences and social welfare of children in the Greater Cincinnati area.
The Warren County Foundation currently tends to make Discretionary Grants in amounts ranging from a few hundred dollars to a few thousand dollars. Proposals are reviewed every two months by the Grants Committee. Because Discretionary Grant funds are limited each year, the Grants Committee reviews each proposal carefully and considers their criteria.
Completed submissions meeting the Foundation’s criteria are presented to the Foundation’sGrants Committee, which meets in January, March, May, July, September and November ofeach year.Submissions received no later than the 15th day of the month preceding a meeting of theGrants Committee (i.e., December 15th for the January meeting) are usually considered at thatmeeting.
Submit to c/o Barbara Schaefer
PO Box 75020
Cincinnati, OH 45275
Deadlines 3/1 and 10/1.
Letter indicating request, tax ID#, IRS determination, recent financial statements.
Northern KY area, for the underprivileged. In keeping with its mission, the Foundation only funds public charities based in and/or servingNorthern Kentucky residents. Priority goes to charities that provide basic, direct services toimprove the long-term quality of life for our poor and disadvantaged neighbors. Typical CharityGrants include start-up funding, operating support, or program support for non-profits thatprovide shelter, food, clothing, education, legal representation, rehabilitation, therapy,substance abuse counseling, and/or child abuse prevention services for Northern Kentuckiansin need.
(information gleaned from 990 form)
More information here.
Focus for this cycle is on Recreation, Arts, Festivals, Events, Sponsorships, Capital projects as they relate to recreation, arts, events, sponsorships