Equipment and Tools to help Nonprofits

News and Events, OneSource Center News

Did you know that Cincinnati ToolBank has more than just tools? Audio visual equipment, tables, tablecloths, chairs, tents and more are also available in their inventory.

Recently relocated to 1682 E. Seymour Avenue in Roselawn between Paddock and Reading Road, the new facility offers enhanced storage capacity for additional donations of tools and equipment. (View a list of needed items here.)

The Cincinnati Community ToolBank, a OneSource Center collaborating partner, is a nonprofit tool lending program that serves charitable organizations by putting high quality tools in the hands of the volunteers for projects, special events, facility repairs, grounds maintenance, mission trips, senior home repairs and community events. Availability to these tools enhances regional nonprofits in their capacity to serve, facilitating hands-on volunteerism in the greater Cincinnati area and empowering all nonprofits to perform larger, more ambitious, and more frequent service projects in the community. Since opening in 2012, the ToolBank has equipped more than 225,730 volunteers with more than $7.9 million worth of tools and equipment. A list of available tools is available here.

Membership is minimal (based on a nonprofit’s annual budget) and once an agency has completed the application process, they can then check out tools online in one-week increments for up to eight weeks at a time for a small handling fee equivalent to 3% of the tool retail value. By housing, maintaining, and lending tools to charitable organizations, the ToolBank enables nonprofit agencies to be more efficient, productive and to complete more skilled volunteer projects.

Call to arrange for a visit of the new facility and spread the word about its availability to nonprofits in the region.