Coaching Supports Leader Success

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Coaching has taken on a new status in leadership circles. In the past, a stigma that leaders might fear when engaging a coach was that it would make them appear weak or in need of remedial help. However in the past decade, there has been a transformation in attitude. Now coaching is seen as an investment in someone, bringing a competitive edge to that staff member.

When faced with a busy schedule and job pressures, managers can sometimes become reactive. A coach from outside the organization can help a leader to pause and view problems with a new perspective. Coaches can also assist in career growth. OneSource volunteer consultant Tim Riordan currently coaches two nonprofit executives, both of whom aspire to become CEOs. He shared, “I think it is good to have a person to bounce ideas off of. It is a way to use my experience as a CEO to help another person prepare for that position. They have found it very beneficial to relate to someone who has already been in that position and faced those types of responsibilities.”

Interested in exploring the idea of utilizing a coach to help you think through major decisions, discover new strategies and ways of working, set goals or chart the next step in your development? This is just one of the services offered through OneSource Center Consulting! Contact Vickie Ciotti, VP of Consulting Services to learn more.