Rethinking “Business As Usual”

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Nonprofits are certainly stressed with the over-arching impact of COVID-19. This has just increased the strain for organizations that already are working with too few resources.

Many nonprofits have utilized the consulting services of OneSource Center for Nonprofit Excellence, a resource center for area nonprofits. With funding from the Greater Cincinnati Foundation COVID-19 Relief Fund, and others, OneSource Center has provided “relaunch” services to guide organizations through the process of self-examination and focus refinement.

“During this time of upheaval and an uncertain future, it is wonderful to have a OneSource Center to call upon for help in navigating a path forward,” said Sue Hare, Executive Director of iSpace, a STEM learning place serving the Greater Cincinnati region with school programs and summer camps.

Vickie Ciotti, VP of Consulting Services, said many organizations have taken this time to examine their business, reexamining things like income stream, program reach and new areas for mission focus. Some organizations are looking at funding sources and exploring new avenues as funds are diverted to COVID response.

“At times like this it is important to think strategically. Are there other organizations providing similar services? What does our board believe our mission is and where our focus should be? Do all our stakeholders agree on this vision? How do our job descriptions align with the work our staff is now called upon to do?” said Ciotti.

She continued, “It is often helpful to have another set of eyes doing research and making suggestions on new avenues to pursue, or to ask the tough questions. The beauty of utilizing a consulting team to do this is that projects can be done in segments, if needed, so recommendations can be contemplated before next steps are taken.”

And when “next steps” need to be taken, OneSource Center is there to help as well.  Interested in learning more? Contact Vickie Ciotti, VP Consulting Services.