May marked the end of another successful year of leadership training for nonprofit CEOs and senior management through the NLIGC EXCEL program, and registrations are now open for the 2019-20 class.
Many class attendees credit the class with transforming their understanding of executive responsibilities and expanding their view of agency or division direction, management and organization. Attendees are able to run ideas and questions by their individual coaches and receive direction on issues ranging from improving work-life balance and board-director relationships to leadership transitions and improved communication skills. The whole region benefits through the impact of class leaders on the nonprofits they serve.
OneSource Center consultants provide an integral leadership role in this program through teaching and one-on-one coaching provided to each class attendee. The 9-month program is extensive in its scope of topics covered.
Applications are already being accepted for the 2019-20 EXCEL class. Class size is limited to 26 people, so if you know a nonprofit executive who could benefit from this incredible offering, please direct them to the NLIGC EXCEL website link. For additional questions, please contact John Hauck, NLIGC Business Development Coordinator.
Pictured above is the 2018-19 EXCEL class at its orientation and team building event at Camp Joy.