2024 Sponsorship Opportunities

Through your OneSource Center sponsorship, you are fueling the nonprofit sector for impact in our region! With more than 300 agencies served each year, your support allows OneSource Center to offer critical services and support at an affordable rate for nonprofit organizations of all sizes and serving all sectors. Just as high performing businesses are critical to the economic vitality of our region, high performing nonprofits are also vital to a thriving Cincinnati.

Thanks in advance for helping agencies maximize their impact and help more clients secure the resources and support they need to thrive.


All sponsorships run on a calendar basis. To become a sponsor, please complete the Online Sponsorship Form. If you prefer to provide information via hard copy, please download our 2024 Sponsorship packet.
If needed, a W-9 Form can be downloaded here.

Interested in an in-kind sponsorship or want to support us, but don’t see an exact match? Please contact Patty Rosely, Director of Development and Marketing, at proseley@onesourcectr.org or 513-554-4944.

Annual Sustaining Sponsorships

Sustaining Sponsors are the premiere OneSource Center sponsorship opportunity, providing benefits that last annually. Our annual sustaining sponsors receive publicity to hundreds of Greater Cincinnati nonprofits, businesses, and valued supporters of OneSource, tickets and recognition at our annual fall fundraiser party, and many other benefits. Choose the level that works best for your company.

Sustaining Sponsorship Benefits

Sponsorship Levels

Level / Cost






Business Courier advertisement recognitionLogoLogoLogo 
Movers & Makers advertisement recognitionLogoLogoLogo 
Fall Print newsletter recognitionSpotlightLogoLogoLsting
Social media acknowledgement and tag (1 per year)XXX 
OneSource website logo placement on Sponsor pageXXXX
OneSource Common Good Store banner recognitionLogoLogoLogoListing
Nonprofit e-newsletter recognition (1500+ subscribers; 1 per year)SpotlightLogo & BlurbLogo 
Consultant e-newsletter recognition  (120 subscribers; 1 per year)SpotlightLogo & BlurbLogo 

EVENT RECOGNITION – Fall Fundraiser Party

Title sponsor recognition in fall event publicityX   
Company executive remarks from the podium at eventX   
Recognition by OneSource leader from the podium at eventXX 
Event invitation recognitionLogoLogoLogo 
Complimentary fall event tickets8642
Event on-site program recognitionLogo & BlurbLogoLogoListing
Event on-site signageLogoLogoLogoListing

NEW THIS YEAR! Designate your sponsorship to support one of our key programs
(Limited availability, available on a first-come, first-served basis.)

Common Good Store Sponsor – $10,000 investmentX   
Consulting Services – $5,000 investment X  
Stakeholder Appreciation Event – $5,000 investment X  
Training Workshop Series – $5,000 investment X