Preparing for and Optimizing Donor Visits: A Disciplined Approach that Yields Success

January 3, 2024 @ 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm America/New York Timezone

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Sponsored by the Greater Cincinnati Planned Giving Council
Free, thanks to Fifth Third Foundation

Preparing for donor visits. It is the equivalent of homework for all development professionals, and it is assumed that we do it (though undoubtedly all of us have had to wing it before a donor meeting). At Haverford College two distinct methodologies for preparing for donor meetings have helped to inform our work, led to more effective collaboration with colleagues and have helped us to close numerous planned and leadership-level blended gifts as part of a successful previous campaign and will remain vital in our next one. This presentation will offer specific strategies for enhancing preparation that yields success.
Presenter: Olga Briker, Ph.D.Executive Director of Gift Planning
Haverford College