Ask Now! Role-Play for Fundraisers

February 27, 2024 @ 1:00 pm – 2:30 pm America/New York Timezone
online via Zoom

Areyou a front-line fundraiser who needs to sharpen your solicitation skills (andmaybe build your confidence)? Are you nervous about sitting in front of a donorand asking for a gift? Role-playing is a critical component to interacting withdonors. Even if you don’t like role- playing – or prefer to watch yourvolunteers struggle through it – you likely agree that it’s better thanfumbling through a meeting with a donor. Practicing conversations with donorswill build your confidence, help you remain nimble and enable you to craft asuccinct pitch for funding your cause. Join us for an interactive afternoonpracticing your role in qualification and solicitation meetings. Instructor:Emma Kieran, Pilot Peak Consulting, in conjunction with the Bayer Center of Robert Morris University.

Fee: $35 (2024 OneSource Members, email for 20% discount code)