As the new year begins, you are probably looking with fresh eyes at how your nonprofit is implementing its mission. Are there items you are reevaluating due to lack of resources, time or energy? OneSource Center offers free organizational assessments to give an objective look while reviewing a nonprofit’s work and can often give new perspective.
Additional services are offered in the areas of leadership development, strategic, financial and human resource planning. Our 100+ consultant team has guided countless nonprofits in their work for increased impact. It doesn’t cost a cent to talk to Vickie Ciotti and see how our team consulting approach could be utilized at your organization.
Top 10 Fundraising Predictions
Nonprofit management guru Laurence Pagnoni recently shared his Top 10 2021 Fundraising Predictions. Upon review, we noted how OneSource Center is our community’s resource for assistance as agencies move toward into 2021.
- First on Pagnoni’s list was “Cash flow monitoring and budget forecasting will be a life saver.” Our consultant team is a good resource with professional experience in financial forecasting. We can help!
- Finding new sources of revenue is also on the top 10 list. We are offering a new service of grant research. While you can certainly do this yourselves with the Public Library’s Foundation Directory tool, many people find that daunting and appreciate getting a wellresearched list provided. We can help!
- “The ‘brain drain’ of nonprofit talent will continue, because our sector’s professional development, coaching and mentoring are so poor.” This doesn’t need to happen! OneSource Center provides a calendar of local training opportunities (most temporarily presented virtually.)
- Additionally, the EXCEL and ADVANCE programs with NLIGC offer highly regarded multi-session trainings in leadership development. We can help!
- OneSource Center’s Building Blocks offers single sessions on a variety of capacity building topics. We can help!
Want to learn more? The OneSource Center mission is to help nonprofits succeed. Contact us today for more information.