Butler Foundation Grant Application deadline

March 1, 2025 all-day America/New York Timezone

Submit to c/o Barbara Schaefer
PO Box 75020
Cincinnati, OH 45275

Deadlines 3/1 and 10/1.
Letter indicating request, tax ID#, IRS determination, recent financial statements.

Northern KY area, for the underprivileged. In keeping with its mission, the Foundation only funds public charities based in and/or servingNorthern Kentucky residents. Priority goes to charities that provide basic, direct services toimprove the long-term quality of life for our poor and disadvantaged neighbors. Typical CharityGrants include start-up funding, operating support, or program support for non-profits thatprovide shelter, food, clothing, education, legal representation, rehabilitation, therapy,substance abuse counseling, and/or child abuse prevention services for Northern Kentuckiansin need.

(information gleaned from 990 form)

More information here.