The Assn. of Fundraising Professionals (AFP) Greater Cincinnati Chapter, is a collaborating partner with OneSource Center, offering programs to advance philanthropy and enable its members and nonprofits to practice ethical and effective fundraising in the Southwestern Ohio and Northern Kentucky region.
Through education, networking, research, and advocacy, the chapter offers numerous training and certification programs, and extensive opportunities for networking and volunteering. The organization has numerous committees that encourage collaboration and information sharing among fundraising professionals. Scholarships are available through the organization for various needs.
The 400-member group is one of the top twenty chapters in the world. Noteworthy program offerings, according to AFP Chapter President Jim Hudson:
- Monthly “Networking and Knowledge Breakfasts” are monthly capacity building and training sessions on a wide-variety of topics geared to fundraising, open to all participants. (Breakfasts are normally held the first Wednesday of the month, from 8 – 9:30 a.m.) See the AFP calendar for upcoming dates and breakfast fees.
- The National Philanthropy Day Luncheon (typically held in the Spring) is the AFP’s annual, signature event that recognizes and pays tribute to people active in the philanthropic community. Categories celebrated: Outstanding Philanthropist of the Year (individual, corporation or foundation), Outstanding Youth in Philanthropy or Outstanding Volunteer of the Year.
- The annual, half-day “Nonprofit Leadership Summit” results conference, coordinated with Barnes Dennig and the Leadership Council for Nonprofits.
- And the AFP Cincinnati’s diversity initiative, the only one of its kind in the country, called “New Faces in Fundraising.” The program offers 6 – 10 paid internships and training that promotes diversity and an introduction to philanthropy to up-and- coming students in fundraising. More information is available here.
In addition to these offerings, the chapter offers two fundraising certification programs:
- The AFP Fundamentals of Fundraising Course, a seven-module course offering a complete overview of the development function, provides an overview of skills, techniques, and program components for individuals with four years and under of fundraising experience.
- The Certified Fund Raising Executive (CFRE) certification process is also administered through the chapter. This practice-based designation requires demonstration of having met these standards through both an application and a written examination, and provides a recognizable demonstration of your personal and professional achievement and commitment. This program is available to professionals who have been in the fundraising field over five years.
OneSource Center is proud to partner with AFP to help nonprofits thrive. For more information on this active chapter, please visit the AFP website.